Tuesday, November 25, 2008

258 th MP Co, 1st Platoon (1989-1991) Reunion

Okay, How this all started was that I was cleaning out the garage and encountered a bunch of old military pictures and miscellaneous items. I began to look at them and remember all the old "crew" of the 258th. I was involved in three deployments with the fellas before I transferred out of the unit. Those deployments made a lot of pretty tight bonds with soldiers and family members. I thought a 20 year reunion would be a great idea. I have a hobby of putting together short video presentations, so after I had exhausted all my leads of tracking the "crew", I was brainstorming of how else would I be able to find more of the 1st platoon. Well, I had already had preserved all the pictures to a video presentation for each of the deployments and thought why not put them on the net just in case someone out there may know some one's whereabouts. I have set a date for the reunion in 2009 and a location of Las Vegas, Nevada, but other than that details have not been worked out. So anyway here are the video's of each deployment and if you or anyone you know appears in, or was there during the time these photos and video took place, email me, please!

Post a Comment or e-mail me and I will get back to you,Thanks!

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